
Nama produk Boc-pentafluoro-D-Phe-OH
Sinonim Boc-D-Pentafluorophenylalanine; Boc-pentafluoro-D-phenylalanine; Boc-3-(Pentafluorophenyl)-D-alanine
MF C14H14F5NO4
Berat Molekul 355.2573
InChI InChI=1/C14H14F5NO4/c1-14(2,3)24-13(23)20-6(12(21)22)4-5-7(15)9(17)11(19)10(18)8(5)16/h6H,4H2,1-3H3,(H,20,23)(H,21,22)/t6-/m0/s1
CAS NO 136207-26-6
Struktur Molekul 136207-26-6 Boc-pentafluoro-D-Phe-OH
Kepadatan 1.422g/cm3
Titik didih 411.1°C at 760 mmHg
Indeks bias 1.476
Titik nyala 202.4°C
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